



一般的房主保险不包括洪水. 洪水 insurance is offered through the 国家洪水保险计划 and private insurance companies, 并且可以通过大多数当地保险经纪人购买.

你可以通过国家洪水保险计划来保护你的房子和里面的东西免受洪水的损失. 联系任何有执照的财产或意外事故经纪人获取更多信息. 县图书馆 有参与项目的当地经纪人和代理商的名单吗. 有关个人及财产防洪的更多资料,可在这些地点查阅.​

相关链接: 国家洪水保险计划(FEMA)



  • 单身家庭
  • 住宅
  • 移动房屋
  • 小型企业*
  • 其他结构



  • 洪水保险适用于大多数封闭建筑,包括室内建筑. 这包括住宅、公寓、基金会、企业和农场上的移动房屋. 租赁单位内的物品也可投保.
  • 的re is a 30-day waiting period from the policy purchase date until coverage begins with a few exceptions. 其中一个例外是,保险范围在房屋所有权转让时立即生效. 也, 特别规则适用于修复严重受损的结构, 包括那些损伤超过50%的, 或者对房屋进行了超过房屋结构价值50%的改善.
  • 洪水保险是必须获得联邦担保贷款才能购买的, 构建, 或者翻新位于洪水危险区域的建筑物. 这包括联邦补助金、联邦住房管理局和退伍军人事务部贷款,以及大多数传统的抵押贷款.
  • 洪水保险限额为250美元,000美元的建筑费和100美元,000元的住宅内容和500元,非住宅物业的结构及内容,各为5,000元. 确保你的保险等级适合你的风险.
  • 洪水保险对所有有联邦贷款支持的房屋都是强制性的, 位于特别洪水危险区内.
  • 联邦应急管理局更新了确定洪水保险价格的程序. 风险等级2.于2021年10月1日推出. 所有新保单现在都使用这个更新的过程定价. 
  • 洪水 insurance is available through both the 国家洪水保险计划 (federal) and through private insurance. 联系当地的保险代理人,比较一下洪水保险的费用.
  • 了解洪水的代价. 为未来而建! 洪水可能给个人、家庭和社区造成巨大损失. 通过使用我们的洪水损害计算器资源,找出多少洪水损害可以花费你 & 洪水保险资讯网页: 洪水 & 洪水保险信息|佛罗里达州欧博体育官网(charlottecountyfl ..政府)


即使你不(或没有)需要抵押贷款来购买你的房子或生意,也要这样做吗. 保护自己, 购买洪水保险,即使你的财产不在指定的洪水危险区.

洪水保险的费用是基于几个方面:你的建筑所在的位置, 这是什么类型的结构, 这是多么大的洪水区啊, 它是什么时候建造的,结构的标高是多少. 的 elevation is detailed in an Elevation Certificate that is required for any new or substantially improved or repaired structure, 位于联邦应急管理局指定的特别洪水危险区, 一月以后建造. 1, 1975. Elevation certificates are available via the 社区发展 Department or can be viewed and downloaded via our GIS. 按照这里的说明学习如何操作.

如果你的房子受到洪水的破坏,你是否购买洪水保险是很重要的. 的 type and amount of federal disaster assistance available to you can be severely reduced if you are not insured.


作为参与国家洪水保险计划的社区, Charlotte County is also eligible to participate in a companion program called the 社区 Ratings System.

这个程序评估, 定期地, how well your community does to minimize the impact of flooding on their community and minimize the potential for loss of life or property.

欧博体育官网目前是一个社区评级系统5类社区. NFIP政策在洪水保险费上获得25%的折扣. 这些折扣意味着大约节省5美元.每年200万.


在某些地方,可以通过沙袋等防洪措施来保护内容物. 便携式财产也可以升高到预计洪水水位以上. 你也可以采取一些措施来改造你的房子,以保护它免受风和水的破坏. All General Contractors registered in Charlotte County are capable of retrofitting your home or business - Contractor. 访问夏洛特港、蓬塔戈尔达和恩格尔伍德图书馆,了解更多关于这一主题的信息.

有关改造您的财产的更多信息, 联系欧博体育官网建筑部门,电话941.743.与一位经过改造技术培训的持证洪泛平原管理者交谈.

进一步的信息也可以在联邦应急管理局的网站上找到 国家洪水保险计划 或关于联邦应急管理局的一般信息 联邦紧急事务管理局. 在“洪泛平原管理”标题下, there are several resources on how you can protect your property but a very useful one for retrofitting can be found on the 房主改造指南.


Charlotte County and the 蓬塔戈尔达市 have special requirements concerning all forms of construction in flood hazard areas. All development within the Special 洪水 Hazard Area requires a permit which must be obtained prior to starting work. 由于该县参与国家投资计划,必须满足某些最低要求. 除了, the County has higher standards that help keep the cost of flood insurance as low as possible for our residents.



  • 所有在特别洪水危险地区的开发必须在开始工作之前获得许可证.
  • 的 Florida 建筑 Code 7th Edition (January 2019) requires new construction should be elevated a minimum of 1' above the Base 洪水 Elevation.
  • Development in areas subject to high waves (shown as V Zones and Coastal A 洪水 Zones on the FIRM) cannot obstruct the flow of waves so must remain open or be constructed in a way that any obstructions will break away. Charlotte County also restricts the size of the area that may be enclosed below these elevated structures and does not allow subdivision of the area. A Non-Conversion Agreement to prevent prohibited use of the space below an elevated structure is also required at the time of construction.
  • Site development must be done in such a way to ensure proper drainage of the lot so as not to impact surrounding lots.
  • Charlotte County has regulations impacting the placement of mobile homes in V Zones and limiting the type of foundation that must be used for a manufactured home in a V Zone

注意: NFIP的最低要求现在是佛罗里达州建筑规范的一部分

实质性改进和实质性伤害- 50%规则

NFIP将大幅改进的建筑物视为新结构. NFIP将“实质性改善”定义为任何重建, 康复, 结构的增加或任何其他改进, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the structure before the state of construction. 该要求也适用于严重受损的建筑物.

Charlotte County lifted the 1-year cumulative approach to substantial improvement/substantial damage after Hurricane Ian to assist homeowners and business owners in the recovery process. 了解更多关于这个或任何洪泛区规定的信息, 或者报告在洪泛区的非法开发, 请联系欧博体育官网社区发展部,联系方式如下:

电话: 941.743.1201
电子邮件: BuildingConstruction@CharlotteCountyFL.政府

注意: 的se regulations apply to unincorporated Charlotte County only – for information about regulations in the 蓬塔戈尔达市, 请与 城市建设部,941.575.3346 或者是 分区署941号.575.3324.


欧博体育官网的运河系统纵横交错, 沟渠, 以及引导洪水流向的水道. It is most important that these elements of the floodwater drainage system be kept clear of debris and trash that could impede the flow of water in a flooding situation. 禁止向排水系统倾倒杂物和垃圾,也禁止改变排水渠道. 违规者应向执法部门或公共工程官员报告.

  • 欧博体育官网警长办公室: 941.639.2101
  • 欧博体育官网公共工程: 941.575.3600
  • 蓬塔戈尔达警察局: 941.639.4111
  • 蓬塔戈达公共工程: 941.575.5050


在欧博体育官网,水自然流入夏洛特港和墨西哥湾. We have great natural resources in this area and the County has many parks and open space protected to ensure Charlotte County’s unique eco systems are not harmed. Allowing a floodplain to “do its job” allows f或者是 water to naturally flow into the rivers and the Gulf of Mexico and also filter naturally through the ground into the water table. 如果这受到阻碍或干扰, 洪水可能发生在径流不能正常排水的地区.

阻碍水流也会干扰溪流和河口的野生动物和环境利益, 比如在夏洛特港发现的那些. It is important that citizens and businesses take this into account during development of property and maintenance of drainage systems. 除了, eco tourism and encouraging visitors to beautiful Charlotte County is a benefit to the County’s economy as a whole. Allowing our parks and open space to remain natural allows access for visitors and keep Charlotte County a great place to live work and play. Consult with local planning and 分区 officials for information on protecting the natural and beneficial functions of the floodplain in Charlotte County. 欧博体育官网开放空间保护土地地图.


欧博体育官网图书馆系统, Mid-County图书馆 维护洪水危险区域的地图和有关洪水保护和准备的参考资料. 拨打941.613.3160. 洪水 maps are also available at the 夏洛特港 branch at 2280 Aaron Street; the Punta Gorda Library, 424 W. 亨利街和恩格尔伍德夏洛特图书馆,麦考尔路3450号.

欧博体育官网建设局 默多克圆环18400号, 县行政大楼, 夏洛特港, 能否告知与特定包裹有关的洪水危险. 现有资料的例子包括:

  • 建造日期及建造时的洪泛区
  • 该结构的标高证书
  • 的 current flood zone and any other flood related information including information about the Coastal Barrier Resource Act, 海岸建筑控制线, 之间, 还有你所在地区的洪水历史记录.
  • 关于重复损失区域的信息
  • 如果你有联邦政府支持的贷款,你是否需要购买洪水保险

欧博体育官网建设局 will also assist with onsite visits to advise of flood protection steps and can provide information on contractors experienced in flood reconstruction and renovation. 更多信息,请拨打941.743.1201.

蓬塔戈尔达市规划和分区部 在市政厅附楼326 W. 马里恩大街. 是否可以为蓬塔戈尔达的物业提供相同的信息和服务. 更多信息,请拨打941.575.3324.

应急管理办公室 在公共安全大楼, 蓬塔戈尔达机场路26571号(欧博体育官网机场对面), 能否回答有关社区和个人防洪活动的问题. 更多信息,请拨打941.833.4000.

视频: 一盎司的预防


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